Mountainair Christmas Parade and Luminaria Art Show

Mountainair Christmas Parade and Luminaria Art Show
A utility truck participating in the Christmas Parade - Todd Brogowski/Mountainair Dispatch
The centerpiece of the festivities at the Dr. Saul Community Center - Todd Brogowski/Mountainair Dispatch

Last week’s bitter cold contributed motivation to those attending the Mountainair Christmas Parade on Thursday, December 21, 2023, to hustle over to the Dr. Saul Community Center for hot chocolate and respite from the cold. There, visitors were greeted with a table (run by Anne Ravenstone) where children could make hammered tin ornaments, along with the traditional festive tree and costumed actors portraying Disney and Dr. Seuss characters. Guests were offered bags of traditional Christmas treats, such as oranges, apples, and mixed nuts.

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