Mountainair Ranger District Plans Prescribed Fire at Red Canyon Campground

As the cold air reduces outdoor activities in the Manzano Mountains, fire managers from the Cibola National Forest & National Grasslands are preparing to conduct a prescribed burn in the vicinity of the Red Canyon Campground Piles of the Mountainair Ranger District. Pending favorable conditions, the burn may take place from today, Tuesday, January 21, 2025, through Thursday, January 23, 2025.
The prescribed fire will address 48 acres of debris piles adjacent to the Upper Red Canyon Campground in the Manzano Mountains. This area is located approximately 12 miles northwest of Mountainair in southern Torrance County, New Mexico. Residents in surrounding communities, including Mountainair, Punta de Agua, Manzano, and the Estancia Valley, may see smoke during the operation.
The start of the burn will depend on approval from agency administrators and conditions meeting the criteria outlined in the burn plan. US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rangeland Management Specialist Arlene Perea stated that USDA fire managers aim to ensure optimal conditions for effective smoke ventilation and dispersal while achieving the desired ecological benefits. Perea stated that winter provides an ideal window for burning piled slash and woody debris from forest restoration efforts because snow on the ground helps prevent the fire from spreading to surrounding vegetation.
In Perea's email to the Mountainair Dispatch, she wrote that, unlike broadcast burns that cover larger areas, pile burns are generally less intense and produce less smoke. Residents can find resources on air quality and health protection at
Updates on the prescribed fire will be available through InciWeb, New Mexico Fire Information, and the Cibola National Forest & National Grasslands website, as well as their Facebook and Twitter accounts. For more information, contact:
• Mountainair District Office: 505-847-2990
• Cibola National Forest Supervisor’s Office: 505-346-3900
Local residents are encouraged to stay informed and plan accordingly as the prescribed fire is implemented to promote forest health and reduce wildfire risk.