Public Notice: IFB-FY24-04 Fire Apparatus Maintenance and Repair

Torrance County is seeking sealed, competitive bids for maintenance and repair services for Torrance County Fire Department Emergency and Fire Apparatus.
Bid Packets may be obtained from the Purchasing Department located in the Torrance County Administrative Offices, 205 South 9th Street, Estancia, NM 87016. Also, via the County’s website at, or by calling 505-544-4720. Deadline for bid submission is 1pm on 03/28/2024.
Torrance County reserves the right to reject any or all bids if it is not in the best interest of the County or waive any informality in the bid process. The IFB process will be conducted according to the New Mexico Procurement Code (NMSA 13-1-28 through NMSA 13-1-099, 1978, amended 2006) which imposes civil penalties for its violations. In addition, the New Mexico Criminal Statutes impose felony penalties for illegal bribes, gratuities and kick-backs.