Mountainair BOE Considers Baseball and Softball Programs

At the May 23, 2023 meeting of the Mountainair Public Schools’ Board of Education, Jeremy Oliver presented the results of a survey he had taken with students over the past school year. With each slide he showed the board, it became clear that Mountainair’s high school students were interested in baseball and softball coming to Mountainair Public Schools.

Oliver broke down what he believed were the expected costs of constructing a baseball field for Mountainair Public Schools. He estimated it would cost between $375,000.00 and $500,000.00. These figures did not include cost reduction through community advertising on the field or uniforms, nor did they include the added fuel and transportation costs or insurance increase that would be created by baseball and softball. For this reason, the actual cost of starting baseball and softball programs may be different from the current estimates.

Members of the board showed enthusiasm for the program. The board voted to make a committee in the next month that would address the potential costs and sources of funding baseball and softball programs as part of addressing grants to the school.